SafeSearch in Search Console!

Google integrates SafeSearch with Search Console for more granular control over explicit content

Google recently moved the SafeSearch tool to Search Console, giving site owners the ability to control the level of explicit content in their search results. This integration also allows you to report any inappropriate pages that may appear despite the SafeSearch filter being activated.

An evolution for an improved user experience

This migration was announced on the Google Search Central Twitter account, emphasizing that despite this change in interface, control over the level of explicit content remains unchanged. The goal of this integration is to simplify access to the SafeSearch tool, while bringing together different essential SEO tools in one place for a more consistent user experience.

A tool to denounce your competitors?

Some SEOs might see this tool as a way to report competitors, but Google clarifies that the SafeSearch form is only intended to report explicit results, not to penalize quality sites. It is important to note that this form is separate from the anti-spam form, which aims to report spammy or low-quality pages.

What is the SafeSearch tool?

Google’s SafeSearch tool allows site owners to filter explicit content from their search results. By offering several filtering options, such as hiding, blurring or disabling explicit content, this tool aims to improve users’ search experience. The SafeSearch form is used to report pages that pass the SafeSearch filter despite their explicit content.

In conclusion, SafeSearch’s integration with Search Console provides site owners with a more effective way to control explicit content in their search results, while simplifying access to this essential SEO tool.

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