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French netlinking experts: Analysis of Google’s new anti-spam policy

With the announcement of Google’s new anti-spam policy, scheduled for May 5, 2024, French netlinking experts have spoken out about the implications of this update. Régis Stéphant, Sylvain Delaporte and Damien Oulagnon shared their views on this new policy which aims to combat abusive third-party content, such as sponsored articles.

A response to Internet users’ criticism of the quality of content

According to experts, this new policy is a response to criticism from Internet users about the deterioration in the quality of online content. They highlight the need for some caution in distinguishing between “abusive” and “non-abusive” third-party content, to avoid any negative impact on SEO strategy.

Avoid low-quality sites and prioritize relevance

Experts recommend avoiding low-quality sites that publish self-validating content, emphasizing the importance of a serious, legitimate, well-linked sponsored article that meets search intent. They also insist on indexing this content to maximize their impact.

Diversify methods to gain popularity

Finally, experts emphasize the importance of diversifying methods to gain popularity, such as branding, social networks or newsletters. They highlight the need for a strategic and thoughtful approach to ensure the success of sponsored article publications in 2024.

A thin line between “abusive” and “non-abusive” content

According to Sylvain Delaporte, the line between “abusive” and “non-abusive” content is thin, which makes an in-depth analysis of the relevance of publications necessary. It highlights the importance of integration and consistency of third-party content on sites to avoid any negative impact on SEO.

An update to strengthen the relevance of content

For Damien Oulagnon, this update aims to strengthen the relevance of online content and limit the exploitation of flaws in the Google algorithm by SEOs. It warns against the complete deindexing of sites in the event of non-compliance with the new guidelines, which could have significant consequences on their activity.

In conclusion, the experts highlight the importance of a strategic and thoughtful approach in publishing sponsored articles in 2024, to ensure their relevance and SEO impact. They encourage publishers to diversify their promotion methods to gain popularity and to remain vigilant in the face of Google’s new guidelines on netlinking.

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