The INP metric finally integrated!

Google is rolling out a major update to Core Web Vitals by replacing the First Input Delay (FID) metric with the new Interaction to Next Paint (INP) metric this Tuesday, March 12, 2024. This development marks an important step forward for site optimization web.

### Google integrates INP into Core Web Vitals

Google now includes the new INP metric, measuring the responsiveness of web pages, in Core Web Vitals to replace FID. Later this year, Google’s Search Console will integrate the INP report, allowing webmasters to measure and optimize their INP scores. However, Google reminds that Core Web Vitals are only one aspect among others to consider to improve the user experience on websites.

### Understanding the change from FID to INP

This important change made by Google in the Core Web Vitals aims to evaluate the quality of the user experience on websites. By replacing FID with INP, Google uses the Event Timing API to provide a more accurate and holistic assessment of a page’s responsiveness by measuring the timing of all interactions on that page.

### Google updates its tools

With the replacement of FID with INP, Google Search Console plans to integrate the INP metric into the Core Web Vitals report later this year. This integration will allow site owners to measure their INP scores and identify optimization opportunities to improve the user experience on their sites. Google recommends not focusing exclusively on Core Web Vitals, but creating a quality user experience by focusing on speed, responsiveness and accessibility.

### Google recommendations

Google advises webmasters not to get obsessed with Core Web Vitals scores. The main goal should always be to create a quality experience for the user, taking into account speed, responsiveness and accessibility. Google has also published a guide on how to optimize for INP, providing a valuable resource for webmasters.

### Beware of the risk of confusion

The proximity of the release of the Core Web Vitals updates, the Core Update and the March 2024 Spam Update could generate confusion. It is critical to distinguish the effects of these updates and understand that ranking fluctuations are likely related to Core Algorithm adjustments or anti-spam update, not changes to Core Web Vitals.

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