Google reveals the secrets to a better budget crawl

Google reveals the truth about Crawl Budget and content prioritization

In a recent podcast on YouTube, experts from Google lifted the veil on the concept of Crawl Budget and explained how the search engine determines which content to index. In summary, to attract indexing robots, it is essential to offer quality content and an optimal user experience.

Myths and realities around the Budget Crawl

Long debated by SEO professionals, the notion of Crawl Budget, a hypothetical limit on the number of pages crawled by search engines, has been clarified by Google search engineers. They debunked several misconceptions and explained that improving content quality and user experience are essential to being favored by Googlebot.

Google’s approach to crawling

Dave Smart, SEO consultant at Google, emphasizes the importance of relying on known starting points to allow Google to extract links and determine the importance of content to index. Gary Illyes, a member of the Relations team at Google, confirms that search demand directly influences crawl limits. So, convincing the search engine of the value of the content through user interaction is essential to increase the amount of content crawled.

Content quality and user experience

Gary Illyes highlights the dynamic adjustment of crawl programming according to the quality of the content. He emphasizes that improving the quality of pages and demonstrating their usefulness can overcome any supposed limitations. Google does not offer a universal answer for crawl prioritization, but emphasizes the importance of focusing on producing high-quality content and improving the user experience to be better crawled and indexed.

In conclusion, Google encourages strategies focused on naturally obtaining links and improving the service provided to users to optimize the crawl of its site.

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