local products, events and businesses!

Google unveils new rich carousel for local businesses, products and events, aiming to improve user experience. This new format, currently in beta, displays listings of products, local businesses and events in a horizontal carousel format. To benefit from this enriched result, site owners must use ItemList structured data.

The Google carousel: a new feature already known
Google announces the addition of a new rich result type in carousel format, allowing dynamic display of product, local business and event listings. This functionality, already present in Europe, is now being deployed globally to offer an interactive experience to users. The thumbnails displayed in the carousel include information such as images, prices, and ratings, according to the structured data.

Endless possibilities for site owners
This new type of enriched result offers great flexibility to publishers, allowing them to group different types of entities within the same carousel. Eligible content types include LocalBusiness subtypes, products, and events. This diversity allows site owners to create varied listings to improve visibility and user engagement on Google.

Integrate the carousel: the rules to follow
For your lists to be eligible for this new enriched result format, it is necessary to implement ItemList structured data while respecting certain specific rules. All information must be visible on the web page, the ItemList type must be the top-level container, and all URLs must point to pages located on the same domain. This implementation ensures an optimal experience for users searching for local businesses, products or events.

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