June Reactor’s tips to boost your online visibility

The month of June on Réacteur, premium media dedicated to SEO and Search Marketing, is marked by an edition highlighting netlinking, with fascinating topics from Damien Oulagnon and Sylvain Delaporte. On the program: relinking and the comparison between a linking platform and an SEO consultant. In addition, discover Leboncoin’s SEO strategy, quick wins and advice to avoid sanctions linked to YMYL sites. Don’t miss these exclusive articles and subscribe so you don’t miss anything!

### Optimize your Tier 2 link strategy with relinking

Damien Oulagnon, manager of Nextlevel.link, guides you through the essential steps to get the most out of relinking, an effective and popular netlinking strategy. Discover his advice for choosing which links to relink and the solutions for a successful strategy.

### Case study: How Leboncoin improves its SEO

Julien Crenn, Head of SEO at Leboncoin, reveals the SEO strategy of the platform, which represents more than 30% of visits and more than 62 million clicks per month in 2024. Dive behind the scenes of this enormous platform and discover the concrete results of their SEO strategy.

### YMYL: The keys to avoiding Google sanctions

Mathieu Chapon, founder and director of Data & Innovation at Peak Ace, highlights the challenges of YMYL (Your Money or Your Life) sites and the strict sanctions imposed by Google. Find out how to avoid these sanctions and protect the visibility of your site. Title: The dangers of screens for children’s health

Screens have become omnipresent in children’s daily lives, but their excessive use can have harmful consequences on their health. A recent study found that children spend an average of more than 7 hours a day in front of a screen, which can lead to physical and mental health problems.

Impact on physical health

Prolonged screen use can lead to decreased physical activity in children, which can contribute to obesity and other health problems. Additionally, the blue light emitted by screens can disrupt children’s sleep and lead to long-term vision problems.

Impact on mental health

Excessive exposure to screens can also impact children’s mental health. Research has shown that children who spend too much time in front of a screen have a higher risk of developing behavioral problems, anxiety and depression.

Expert Recommendations

Experts recommend that parents limit their children’s screen time and encourage them to engage in physical and social activities. It is also important to have clear rules in place around screen use at home and to carefully monitor the content children are exposed to.

In conclusion, it is essential for children’s health to limit their exposure to screens and promote a healthy balance between screen use and other activities. By taking steps to reduce children’s screen time, parents can help promote their overall well-being. New measures to combat air pollution

The government recently announced new measures aimed at reducing air pollution in France. These measures follow an alarming study on air quality in several large cities in the country.

Stricter traffic restrictions

Among the measures announced, we find stricter traffic restrictions in the areas most affected by pollution. The most polluting vehicles will be banned from driving on certain days of the week, and financial incentives will be put in place to encourage motorists to opt for cleaner vehicles.

Low emission zones

The government also plans to create low-emission zones in large cities, where only vehicles meeting certain environmental standards will be able to circulate. These zones will be implemented gradually over the coming years, with the aim of reducing emissions of air pollutants.

Increased awareness

In parallel with regulatory measures, the government plans to launch awareness campaigns to encourage citizens to adopt more environmentally friendly behavior. Actions will also be taken to promote alternative modes of transport, such as cycling, public transport or carpooling.

Ambitious goals

These new measures are part of a more global policy aimed at combating climate change and protecting the health of citizens. The government has set ambitious targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and these measures are an important first step in that direction.

In conclusion, the new measures announced by the government aim to improve air quality in France and protect the health of citizens. These measures will be accompanied by awareness campaigns and the creation of low-emission zones, with the aim of reducing air pollution and combating climate change.

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